Thursday, December 28, 2006


Just came back from my holiday vacation with my family in Chiang Mai..

Preparing for arrival to Chiang Mai

It was of course fun and enjoying ...and also a little too cold..we din't bring enough warm clothing to chiang mai..din expected it to be that cold!!

Actually so many days in chiang mai made me kinda blur of wat i did each day..cos all were simply too exciting..

The hotel we stayed-Chiang Mai Plaza Hotel, The statue displayed a dancing goddess

Hand mades umbrella are beautiful!!

I think the activity that i liked best was bamboo rafting!!We did it in a river branched out from MEKONG RIVER!!(Thanks god I still remember a little from my Form3's Geography) Therfore the water were quite was quite dangerous though but we have capable rafting guide to help us through the river..when we finished with the bamboo rafting, we were dripping with river water. Thats not really a good thing because the river is where the elephants "berak" and "kencing". So we got extraaa "well perfumed" smell on us!!haaha..

Preparing for water battle!!

We got to ride the elephant as well!!Even though their size were XXXXL but they are really cute in some ways..they took on the liking to disturb each other which include humans and their own spesies!

We rode through the river with easy pace!!

We visited so many buddhist temple..I think there is around 300 buddhist temple in thailand!!so imagine how many monks and nun are there in Thailand??There are around 35 temples in Chiang Mai itself and only visited the 6 most famous ones!!They had this priniciple in Thailand that, a true Thai man must at least be monk once in his life, which can be from 3 days to forever!! however monks in Thailand are not vegetarians!!

Temple something something...forget the name!!too many of them

A Buddhist God statue made from pure JADE
My granpa and the gold pagoda..(the tip of this pagoda is made from real gold..believe it o not??)

The sleeping Budha

The Sleeping DOG

Chiang mai were also very famous of their Elephant show..its the elephants can draw and colour like small primary school students. The artwork worth at least 1000 baht. The most expensive artwork is around 15 million baht!!

Baby elephant working on his artwork

We also seen many "rare human spesies". Some are runaways from Yunnan and Myanmar.Some are really really very poor children that they do not have enough food to eat and enough clothes to wear..Started to felt how lucky I am to be growing up in such a nice family. I feel really really sorry and sad for the small kids there!!

My mummy's children..

The Lahom children..very very poor!!pitiful

Some were luckier as they had a little bit more knowledge on business. I think the richest "puak" will be the Long Neck people. Many of us known them as the Mayan people. Its really quite interesting and suffering as well. Their neck rings can weight up to 8 kg and imagine you will have to wear it for your whole life without taking it out!!Quite suffering.

The Long-Neck girl, age of 6 wearing a 3 kg copper rings

These are the disgusting things they sell in their market..damm gross..They sells dead crockroches, maggots and worms as snacks..Gross to the MAX..almost puke in the market!!

Lastly will be their flowers...Chiang Mai is indeed a flower heaven, from poppy flower to cabbage and even pumpkins!!We even went to the royal garden of Chiang Mai!!There is where the royal family enjoy their walk once in a while..

Poppy flowers


The 9 Golden Globe

Sleeping DADDY and beautiful orchids

We went to Laos and the border of Myanmar on the last day..Ntg special except you can cross over to Laos without your passport!!Not bad huh??

Looking COOL for the last day

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