Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thank you

Things had been quite rocky for me this few weeks..A break up to handle, mountains of studio work, cash are running low and recovering from a very bad sick.

Dun worry..I still slowly crawling, getting on my feet soon. I guess I am really a strong girl. I do blame myself over stupid little things I do though..But I realise many other precious things surrounding me.

Thanks God for guiding me through all this while. Though it was so hard that I almost break down into tears every 2 steps I take. But you gave me courage to continue this harsh journey.

Thanks all my caring and understanding frens who supported me even though I did do many stupid and pathetic stuff..Thanks for all the advise that cheered me up, that made me realise the mistake I've done.

Thanks mummy & daddy for listening and cheering me up all this while. You guys were inspirational. Never ever did u judge my mistake or his..You gave me all the support and understanding I needed. I was childish and crying all about..Then I realise, I have to start walking once again. I have to be strong for those who still love me.

Thanks for all those who were always by my side when I fall.


Ericlyz said...

yeah yeah~che che u r finally back! haha...

Minmin said...

Hello Shirlyn!


Shirlyn said...

ah...received received!!haaha

Daddy & Mummy said...

gal..u finally able to walk again..yes.. head to your desire path..

u r mos & mum r always ready in time of your needs..

mis u..big big muaaaack..

Anonymous said...

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小天 said...


Anonymous said...

You have a nice blog and seem very strong and faith driven... Keep your head up god will see you through anything